HPQY is produced by drawing fiber (9 micron or 14 micron) from high purity (SiO2> 99.95%; exclusive of binder) quartz rods. So quartz fiber has many superb properties : high purity, high temperature resistance, ablation resistance, low heat-conduction, Anti-thermal Shocks, excellent dielectrical property and chemical stability. Primarily used as materials of electric insulation, heat insulation, composite reinforcement , etc. Typical products are aircraft nose, radome , rocket tailpipe nozzle and ablative material of space vehicle,etc. Otherwise some other quartz fiber products are available , such as fabric, tape,chopped strands, unwoven roving, rope,wool and braided sleeving .
高純石英纖維(SiO2> 99.95%)是由高純石英棒熔融拉制而成的連續長纖維。其具有高純度、耐高溫、耐燒蝕、低導熱、抗熱震、優良的介電性能和良好的化學穩定性等。主要用作電絕緣材料、隔熱材料和復合材料的增強體。用于制造飛機機頭、雷達罩、火箭的尾噴管、空間航天器的燒蝕材料等。另我們還可根據客戶需要提供其他石英纖維產品,諸如布、帶、短切纖維、無捻粗紗、繩、棉、編織套管等。