企業簡介 Company prof ile 寧夏瑞泰廣恒化工助劑有限公司成立于2009年,是以熒光增白劑為主導產品,集生產,研發和銷售于一體的綜合性化工企業。產品廣泛用于塑料、印染、遺紙等行業。 寧夏瑞泰廣恒化工助劑有限公司在2010年已取得安監、環保、消防籌各項政府正式批文。具備熒光增白劑的生產、銷售資質。、公司擁有一支以產品開發和技術研究為主導的科研團隊,他們具有豐富的專業知識和開發經驗。近兩年公司還引進了行業內先進的檢調設備,高效液相色譜儀、自度儀,全自動熔點儀,能夠滿足日益增多的開發項目和不斷改變的市場需求。 Ningxia ruitai guangheng chemical fertilizer co. LTD.is founded in 2009,is an integrated enterprisewiththe research & development,production and sales of Opfical Brightening Agent,which are w-idely used inplastic,coating.detergent.textil ant paper-making industry.Our tactory got the govemment official documents in safety supervision,environmental protection andfire protection fields Wehavegot the production and saleceriticate of Optical Brightening Agent We also have a product develop and technology research lead team,theyhave a wealth of expertise and experience in the products research 8 development.can meetthe growing development projects andchanging market demands.